
Thursday, June 5, 2014

May BeautyBox5!!

Okay, so I know I sort of poo-pahed BeautyBox5 last month, but they really outdid themselves this month!!  Much more impressed this go round!  Read more to find out why!!

Okay, I admit it.  I was pretty quick to be judge of BB5 last month, and this month, they totally redeemed themselves!  They are on the lower end of the boxes, and as the 5 in "BeautyBox5" suggests, the box holds 5 items.  Here's the run down:

Ban Total Refresh Cooling Body Cloths ★★★★

When I first saw these, I have to say, my initial reaction was "Really??  What am I going to do with these??"  I literally live in the desert, and summer was making a late entrance.  Last year, we had hit 100 degrees by March, but this year, we didn't hit 100 degrees until June.  So when these came in, there wasn't much need for them.  But I have to tell you, when you have spent hours in a car in even 90 degree heat, on leather seats, you can start to feel a bit funky.  Then you have to run in somewhere or meet someone.  These babies help you freshen up on the go!!  Love them.  A definite purchase in the future for me!!

Harvy Prince Hello -★★★★★

I have never been much of one to experiment with scent before.  I usually find something I like, occasionally two, and I stick with them.  My husband got my a large bottle of Beauty by Calvin Klein for my birthday last year, and it's pretty much all I wear.  Don't get me wrong, I love CK Beauty, which is why I have stuck with it for so long, but...wearing the same scent everyday can get pretty monotonous.  BB5 sent this gem in May, and I have a new favorite!  Girly, yet woodsy and sexy!  My husband LOVES it, and I feel a little younger yet a little more sophisticated while wearing it, and would LOVE a full size bottle of it!

Cattiva Waterproof Eyeliner ★★★

Admittedly, I haven't tried this eyeliner yet.  Out of the 4 subscription boxes I receive, in the last 2 months, I have gotten 4 or 5 eyeliners, and with it being so hot, I haven't bothered with eyeliner the last few days.  (Eyeliner sweating into your eyeballs is not a pleasant experience.)  So, my review for this one will have to be updated later.

Mask-er Aid Pre Party Prep★★★

Another little item I haven't had a chance to try yet.  To be fair, it's been end of school activities heading straight into a weekend family reunion at the lake, and now we are packing up to take the kids to camp and then visit my in-laws for a day or two.  Another item I will have to update at another time.

Aqualibrium Marine Cleansing Gel ★★★★

This is one that I did try.  And I have to say, not bad  One the plus side, my face was left feeling refreshed and hydrated...not dry like some cleansers can leave your face feeling.  Got the job done without drying out my skin.

And that's it!  Like I said, I was quite pleasantly surprised with BB5 this month, and can't wait to see what comes in the next few days!

Until next time,

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