
Friday, March 28, 2014

Inaugural Post!!

Hey, guys!  Sam, here.  Thought I would baptize this blog with an inaugural post. 

Just a few notes about what I will be doing here.

  • Reviews!  I am currently subscribed to 4 beauty boxes, where I get goodies every month...some samples, some full sized products.  Cosmetics, perfumes, skin care, hair products...and likely much more.  I am a bit of a geek, and our whole family also gets Loot Crate boxes as well.  While most of those get split between my husband and oldest son...we will add a review of those things, too.
  • Sales!  I am also a Paparazzi Independent Consultant, and we will go over some bling!  I will post info to my website where you will also be able to buy the bling, which is all way cute and dirt cheap!!
  • Empowerment!! Finally, my goal is to empower women.  I want all women to feel beautiful and radiant and all around awesome.  No matter what number is on the scale, measuring tape or on the tag of your jeans, I want to help women know they are beautiful, inside and out. I hope to give you tips and tricks to make you feel as awesome as you already are.  I want to set an important precedent among women of all ages to impress upon the next generation that you don't have to look like a supermodel to be worthwhile and loved.  That's my goal.
  • Miscellaneous:  I am a mother of 4, a geek, an actress and a writer, so there may be posts here and there that pertain to any number of things.  I have several other blogs and will try and keep some things separate from this one, but occasionally, things may get cross posted.  It happens.  
Anyway, stick around!  I hope you enjoy it here!  The first (next) post will be about the March Birchbox I got the other day, and then the March BoxyCharm that I just received today.  Come back and see me!  

Until next time,

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